Monday, July 21, 2008

mike savage controversy

mike savage is a prick. that seems to be a pretty obvious characterization (to any rational thinking adult, anyway). do i agree with his remarks around autism? for the most part, no. but i am not scientist, nor well read in the area of autism. like any parent, i read what i can online (i *think* 'autism' was ranked the #8 google search term in 2006). i think his comments were shallow, hurtful, and probably ignorant. BUT, i can't argue that autism is always properly diagnosed. but i digress...

irrespective of the fact that this prick made vulgar accusations, he did open up raw dialogue on the topic. he freely spoke and as a result we, as listeners, are freely responding. if i hear one more comment about how he should be immediately fired i will go ballistic. whatever happened to free gotdamned speech? if everyone agreed with everyone else....well you know the argument. mike savage is not yelling fire in a crowded theater. he is simply expressing his twisted opinion, as painful as it may be. so fire him? no.

why do we have a right to pick and choose who is fire-worthy based on the opinions (privately funded) people choose to espouse? can we put up a stink, counter-argue, or attack their ignorance if we object? hell yea. thus is the beauty of free speech.

mike savage's comments have spawned incredible debate and brought the subject of autism to the forefront. the conversation is happening now. Use this rebuttal airtime as an opportunity to prove your point, not whine about the ignorance of others and the subsequent need to fire them.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I agree. Savage abuses his right to free speech, expressing his opinion in words which could only hurt families affected with Autism. He really comes off sounding like a complete ass.I was wondering what the outcome of this was; his response to the parents of children with diagnosed autism. I think this article expresses his apologies and explanation re: the context of his statements.